BISG honors Phil Madans' decades-long commitment to advancing core aspects of supply chain infrastructure, notably in areas that include identification and metadata. That work is evidenced in his concern and leadership around training a next generation of publishing professionals in data quality. Continue Reading
The Book Industry Study Group regularly releases new and updated guidelines for industry best practices in areas that address metadata, rights, subject codes, supply chain, and workflow issues. Our posts address these and other issues across five topic categories.
The Green Book Alliance has released its Printer-Publisher Sustainability Checklist, created to help foster discussions between publishers and printers around environmental sustainability in manufacturing books Continue Reading
The BISG board honors Jim Milliot's decades-long commitment to reporting on the book industry, both in its best moments and many of its most challenging, informing the industry at a time of continued change in the size, shape, and competitive nature of the business. Continue Reading
At BISG's annual meeting, Scholastic SVP Kevin Spall will talk about "Thriving on Chaos (Just With Less Chaos)", a closing keynote wrapping up a day focused on transforming supply chain communication. Continue Reading
This year, the BISG Annual Meeting will address the changes needed across the data stack, tech stack, and communications protocols across the book industry supply chain. Continue Reading
An update to the BISAC Subject Code List was released in December, following a webinar presented by committee chair Connie Harbison of Baker & Taylor. Continue Reading
Welcome to our new website! We have a brand new look and updated technology in an effort to better serve all our members. We hope that you'll enjoy it as much as we do. In order to get the most out of your member experience, you will need to create a new login. Your previous username and password... Continue Reading
Bowker announced the rollout of ISBNs with 979 prefixes more than three years ago, but some publishers are reporting problems getting 979 products listed on retail sites. BISG is looking for documented instances to help find the root causes. Continue Reading
An industry gathering poses a question: What does book publishing need to make innovation "stick"? Continue Reading
Members of the Book Industry Study Group are invited to apply for a seat on its Board of Directors. The call for nominations will close on December 15. Continue Reading
BISG's Rights Committee has developed a set of "frequently asked questions" about rights and royalties management, each accompanied by an informed answer reflecting best practice. The full list is available on the BISG web site. Continue Reading
BISG fields a supply-chain survey every two months. The second wave of results has been analyzed, with signs of slow but steady improvement in how the book industry is managing in a period of scarcity and higher expenses. Continue Reading